Blog Search Update
March 01, 2007
Attention blog searchers: if you use Google Blog Search from within Blogger, you'll notice some slight changes to its look and feel - it was just updated today to be more consistent with the Google styling, and it tested much better in the usability lab.
It also means new functionality for the Blogger look 'n feel, notably the date-restrict options in the sidebar. For example, "earthquake san francisco" restricted to March 1st will tell you about the earthquake that just happened, and "snow south lake tahoe" restricted to Feb18-28 reveals some pretty excited people (myself included ;).
Check it out!
It also means new functionality for the Blogger look 'n feel, notably the date-restrict options in the sidebar. For example, "earthquake san francisco" restricted to March 1st will tell you about the earthquake that just happened, and "snow south lake tahoe" restricted to Feb18-28 reveals some pretty excited people (myself included ;).
Check it out!