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It has been widely reported that Internet users across India are being blocked from accessing a number of blog hosting sites, including Blog*Spot. We are disappointed and a bit puzzled by these reports. We are also working to understand the situation, and are looking into what we can do to help resolve it.

A big thanks to the many bloggers in India and elsewhere who are investigating, reporting, and working to restore access.

That's right -- our friends at the homonymous BlogHer are getting ready for their second annual conference, which takes place on July 28-29 in San Jose, CA. Last year over 300 attendees learned about issues important to women bloggers, and this year the organizers are expecting double the number of people and sessions. A sampling of the second day's sessions:
  • 7:00 - 7:45: Free Morning Yoga
  • Blog Crushes: Caffeine and Birds of a Feather out by the pool.
  • Is the Next Martha Stewart a Blogger?
Passes to the second day are still available (the first sold out), and if you happen to be wondering given the conference's name...YES, gentlemen are invited too!

Check out http://blogher.org/about-blogher-conference-06 for all the details.

Alex Epstein has a cool blog about screenwriting in which he gives advice, talks about what he's working on and recently tackled the most important question of our time: Why did Serenity fail to succeed in the box office?

Team Blogger has much love for Serenity and ecourages you to check it out. Also, Joss Whedon? You should come to lunch at Google.

Congrats to Blogger user F-train for winning the World Poker Blogger Tour 2006 Summer Tournament this past weekend in Vegas. I've been digging on poker blog scene for a while now and was stoked to see the number of folks rocking it on Blog*Spot.

Some recommendations include:
Nice to see folks getting together IRL to play some cards.

We recently heard from the folks at Mann Publishing that their new Blogger book has been released! Here's what it covers:
"With this book, you will learn how to use Blogger’s Post Editor and Dashboard to create sophisticated postings that include images and hyperlinks, and how to change the look and feel of your blog using templates. Other topics include making money using Google’s AdSense and Amazon.com’s Associates program, using photo blogging services, adding a site counter so that you can track your readership, using Blogger Mobile for mobile blogging, and how to archive your blog. For those of you who have your own Web hosting, you will learn how to publish your blog to your own server."