December 01, 2006
You might have noticed from the Google homepage that today is World AIDS Day. We want to remember all those who have suffered from HIV/AIDS in the 25 years since it was first identified, and we want to support everyone working to eradicate this scourge: Today, there are about 40 million people living with HIV worldwide, and it is increasing in every region in the world. In Africa, it is the leading cause of death -- 5,500 Africans die each day from this insidious disease.
One effort that is making a difference is (RED), a company founded this year by Bono and Bobby Shriver. A percentage of the profits from each (RED) product sold is given to The Global Fund. We are supporting the (RED) effort by offering promotional support to (RED) and (RED) products on Google properties throughout the holiday season.
We hope you choose to support them with your purchases. Companies offering (RED) products have committed to contribute a portion of profits from the sales of that product into Global Fund-financed AIDS programmes in Africa.
Together, let's make a big difference. Read more at JoinRED.com or visit the (RED) blog.
Raise awareness of the World AIDS Campaign by adding a ribbon or World AIDS Day badge to your blog. If you're using the new Layouts templates in new version of Blogger in beta, use one of the buttons below to put an image on your blog in just two clicks. Or, add the badge to your website with these instructions.