February 22, 2006
"Blargon's" a new one for me, but this William Safire piece in the NYTimes lists a bunch of bloggy lingo:
- MSM: "mainstream media"
- Above the fold: "what we see on a blog's screen before we begin to scroll down"
- The jump: "a place to which the blog's readership is referred inside the Web site"
- sidebar: "a column down one side of the screen displaying advertisements, archived links or a list of other blogs called a blogroll"
- bye-line: "an adios or similar farewell at the end of the blogger's politely expressed opinion or angry screed"
- wingnuts: "the prevailing put-down of right-wing bloggers"
- moonbats: "the vilification of left-wing partisans who use the Web"
- ping: "the gently noisy notification sent when a blog needs updating or has been updated"
- link love: "an unsolicited, posted link that aims only to amuse or interest"
- simultaneous blogasm: "the discovery that some other blogger has posted an identical thought at the same time"
- meme: "a type of online chain letter where bloggers answer questions designed to give a quick overview of the blogger's personality"
- tag: "a descriptive label applied to an individual post"
- delicious: "To someone is to add them to your delicious bookmarks."
- blogerati: "people sophisticated in operating blogs"
- spam blogs, splogs and zombie blogs: "these strange animated robot-generated texts meant to game search engines. When it's published as unwanted feedback on people's blogs, it's called comment spam" — definition from former Blogger team member Biz Stone
- fisk: "from Robert Fisk, a U.K. journalist. That's when you take an article and reprint it on your blog adding your line-by-line critique"