Now there are three.
Gingergold and Paula Red, both picked a little early, join Jersey Mac at this week's farmers market.
Pristine, which was at peak last week, is done.
Paula Red is one of the most Mac-like of the early apples. A redder Paula sport called Dandee Red eats the same.
The iconic McIntosh won't be here for another month. If you are missing it, give Paula a try.
Gingergold, light and crisp, is a welcome addition to the early summer lineup. Triply so in a year that offers just three choices in mid August.
These aren't at peak yet. I bought both anyway.
By this time in previous years we have seen William's Pride, Puritan, and even Gravenstein, among other varieties.
William's may simply have fallen out of favor, but I am worried that the austerity of choices today foretells a poor harvest generally.
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