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I don't just provide links to apple resources you might like.

For better or worse, I blog about them too.

Some of these online resources are not straightforward. My write-ups explain what is there and might link to some content buried deep within.

You can skip that and jump directly to the sites by clicking the links at right in the table below, or see what I have to say at "review" at center. You can also read all my link reviews at once.

American Orchard review site
Apple Identification Tool review hiatus
The Apple Journal review site
Apples and Oranges review site
The Apples of New York review vol 1 vol 2
Apples and People review site
Apple videos review many sites
Ark of Taste review site
The Fruit Blog review site
The Fruit Gardner review site
Gnarly Pippins review site
Fruit Maven review site
Fruit Slinger review site
The Herefordshire Pomona review site
A Life of Apples review site
Mass. farms & markets (map) review site
My Grandpap's Apple Orchard review site
National Fruit Collection (UK) review site
National Gardening Association (U.S.) review site
New England Apples (Assoc.) review site
New England Apples (blog) review site
Orange Pippin review site
Out on a Limb review site
Pomiferous review site
Trees of Antiquity review site
Unconventional Stories from an Apple Farmer review site
USDA Watercolor Collection review site
Vintage Virginia Apples review site


  1. Another good website to checkout if you are looking for information about growing apples is the Quality Deer Management Associations (QDMA) habitat forum.


    There are a lot of people on this forum who are growing fruit trees to enhance the quality of habitat by providing soft mast to both deer and other wildlife, and of course humans. There are even a few professional growers too. Lots of great discussions about different planting techniques for different areas around the US. Real world trials and testimonies. It's my favorite place to read about apples on the web.

  2. Hi,

    Just discovered your blog. Very cool! It's always fun to find out how different varieties react differently in different locations. Hope you'll stop by and visit me a The BackYard Fruit Gardener www.stellaotto.com. I share a growing collection of info on all kinds of fruit for home gardeners and how to care for it.
    Fruitful gardening,

    1. That was an impressive resource, but unfortunately is no longer online. It is still possible to read the archived version of stellatto.com.

  3. Hey Adam! I wanted to pass along an Apple resource...a little less traditional than your typical website about apples. APPLE FESTIVALS! https://www.everfest.com/food/apple-festivals

  4. Bonjour Adam, je recherche un emploi dans des exploitations de pommes


    1. Bonne chance dans votre quête, @Hamdoui ! C'est la bonne saison.

      (Hamdoui would like to find work in an orchard; I wish him well.)


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