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Good eating

"Blog what you love."

I have many enthusiasms, but think that blogging about apples will be a fun way to use the web to view the world.

My plan is to blog a year of apples, starting with the first local apples that appear in my part of the world, Arlington Massachusetts.

Neither a farmer nor a gourmet, I can't promise technical explanations or rarefied flights of fancy. Still, there is a rich variety of apples still available here in New England, including many heirlooms. If you don't know these apples, prepare to be amazed.

The first fruit arrived today at the Arlington Farmers' Market.

Update: If this is your first visit, then welcome.


  1. Are Zestar apples good for making pie?

  2. I'd guess that Zestar would not be a great choice for pies.

    That's bald speculation, though, so maybe you should try them in that noble capacity and see.

    And then let us know. Thanks for dropping by!


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