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Disappointment and relief

Disappointment, because there are no apples at Farmers market yet. Last year I got the first local apples of the year on July 14.

Relief because last year's early crop, following an exceptionally early spring, proved to the the harbinger of a poor harvest.

So, one more week to go!


  1. Hi Adam,

    I was looking around at some pictures of apples I hope to grow in the future, one being the Chestnut Crab. I came across this website that appears to be using your Chestnut Crabapple picture.


    Just wanted you to see - I guess in some respect it should prove to you that the apple photos here on your blog are nice!

  2. Oh my goodness. No request, no credit, no link. And certainly no permission.

    I am not flattered.

    Thank your for bringing this to my attention, Matt. And I hope you can find a source for this fine cultivar that does not steal from others as part of its business.

  3. Thanks Adam,

    Keep up the good work here. Your blog is enjoyed by many! Have you thought about putting together a wish list for apples to review? I live in an area in Wisconsin with lots of great orchards that specialize in antique varities. I would be happy to pick up an extra rare cultivar for you and your blog this fall as I make the rounds. A flat rate shipping box of a Court Pendu Plat, Pitmaston Pinneapple, Zaubergau Reinette, St. Edmunds Pippin and a Hoople's Antique Gold sounds good to me! I am not sure I could land all of those at once but I figured since I am "researching" cultivars to grow myself that I could jsut as easily pick up an extra example for your review!

  4. Was at my greenmarket in NYC today. Lodi, Vista Bella, Jersey Mac, Geneva in. All nice. No fears.


  5. @Brad, Vista Bella and Jersey Mac are usually first out of the gate here. It makes sense to me that you should be a bit ahead of us.

    I don't know if any of my usual sources grows Geneva Early, but I will keep my eyes open. Sounds like a good early pick.

    @Matt, if you are serious I would love to try a few of those apples, but you must let me pay freight.

    Thanks to both of you.

  6. I will let you know before going to Weston Antique Apple Orchard. By the way, a few weeks back our local grocer had a supply of Tentation apples. I didn't get any as I am not a fan of Golden Delicious flavoured apples generally. But thought I would mention it. Has anyone tried a Tentation apple yet. They are supposed to be a cross of the Golden Delicious and Golden Blushing.


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