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25 and counting

Comment voulez-vous gouverner un pays ou il exist deux cent quarante-six variétés de fromage? How can you govern a country that has two hundred and forty-six kinds of cheese?

We may not be in DeGaulle territory yet, but I was delighted to count 25 varieties of apples at my local farmers market today.

These included such treasures as Melrouge, Macoun, Ashmead's Kernel, and Westfield Seek-No-Further.

OK, to be honest, Melrouge is a sport of Melrose, also present and counted. So maybe just 24.


  1. Local Winesaps just showed up at my grocery store today. Can't wait to see what's at the Lawrence (KS) farmer's market this weekend.

    1. Stayman or true Winesap?

      We get both out here.

    2. True Winesap, but Staymans reliably show up every fall, too. They both seem to grow really well in Kansas's climate. Makes perfect sense for Stayman, at least, as it originated around Leavenworth.


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