I've learned a lot by comparing apples, eating and weighing two different breeds together.
Sometimes these head-to-head contests are lighthearted, sometimes for higher stakes, and sometimes to settle specific questions (such as, "is this early Mac very Mac-like?"). I almost always learn something new.
Turns out, I've held more than 30 of these contests. Here are some of the more interesting ones.
This head-to-head made me more confident in my ability to tell these two fine varieties apart.
In play, I call most of these comparisions "smackdowns" and try, if possible, to say at the end which I feel to be the better apple.
In reality, many of these are amiable pairings of complementary varieties. However, there are a few genuine grudge matches, none more deadly serious than
Apart from that, these two apples did not play nicely together in my mouth; click through for the gory details and final decision of the judges (me).
By contrast, many of the parings were friendly and complementary. For instance,
Probably the worst pairing was
The result isn't pretty, but it is instructive.
I've even compared
Try it (or any of these) yourself time time: it is surprising how this fun little exercise can deepen ones understanding and appreciate the different qualities of cider. Or for that matter, of apples.
I have co-tasted apples that seem to share a similar flavor or characteristic (to see she how far the similarity goes), or that are different offspring of the same parents (to see how far each falls from the same tree).
Some parings were to settle specific questions such as, Which of the early Macs are actually most like McIntosh? (For the record, I think it is Paula Red.)
If this has piqued your curiosity, I invite you to click to a page where you can explore all of my comparisons.
Human understanding is often based on the apprehension of differences. Just as parallax vision allows us to see in three dimensions, so too these binary comparisons increased my appreciation of the pomacious fruit.
We're still a few months away from apple season here in New England, but this is a neat experiment for apple lovers. Apple varieties can be very different from one another!