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Archive for the 'Ideas' Category

Authentic Comments

Tuesday, February 22nd, 2011

I was inspired to think about the problem of impersonation on the web, when I read Caterina Fake’s comment on Twitter, bemoaning the fact that somebody was able to impersonate her in a comment on GigaOm. Because they used an email associated with her by Gravatar, the comment gained an element of authenticity because her avatar […]

Blog The First Draft

Tuesday, October 26th, 2010

MarsEdit users sometimes sheepishly admit that they aren’t blogging as much as they “should” be. Excuses vary, but it usually boils down to the classic issue afflicting all of us who try to stick to a productive routine: we simply fall out of the habit. Long time readers of this blog will note that I’ve […]

When I Joined Apple

Friday, April 2nd, 2010

When I joined Apple in May, 1996, the company was filled with geniuses who were trying to invent the future. Despite that brilliance, Apple was failing. I came on board because I was young, had just started using a Macintosh, and I knew something great was happening. I was eager to find out what it […]

And The Awarding Goes To

Monday, October 26th, 2009

What distinguishes developers on the Mac from those who design for other platforms such as Windows and Linux? We often answer the question with a flip response that makes us feel good about ourselves: Mac developers are perfectionists. Mac developers are community-oriented. Mac developers are not obsessed with the bottom line. Mac developers are passionate. […]