Beware the Batman is Batman done with computer animation. And there's no Joker, no Riddler, no Bane, no Catwoman, no - significant villains here to be found in this show. However it does bring to light some lesser known Batman villains like Dr Pyg, Toad, Anarchy and it ACTUALLY does have Ra's al Ghul. However the writing doesn't compare to the well-rounded and thought-out dialogue of The Animated Series and the animation is stuck between deciding whether it wants to be like Green Lantern: The Animated Series or something else not Bruce Timm related.
Beware means well in using lesser Batman villains in place of crooks like The Joker, but they're just there to serve singular episodes and that's it; they don't leave any particular impact on Batman in the series and Batman's character doesn't respect the Batman we know to look like: this one has character-design similar to Green Lantern:T.A.S. but rips off the bat-suit from Batman Begins.
The good: this series has some good fight sequences and Batman is still badass as per his status-quo. And the voice-acting is not too shabby.
The bad: doesn't do anything special with its more niche rogue-gallery. It's a gimmick that doesn't really pay off.
The so-so: the animation itself doesn't respect the aesthetic demands of a character with the cultural caliber of Batman.
Good, but not all that amazing.