Firstly I'd like to say that using drugs is not good and I don't recommend them to anyone. Having said that I don't think I would of made it through this movie unless I was the drug addict and lonely outsider I am, thus it's general appeal to me. Weird thing is this features drug addicted characters that don't resemble any other drug addicted persons I have ever known and I've known a few. In fact one of the things I enjoyed about the film is how healthy and attractive all the cast members are to look at are right down to grandma. I found Serra Naiman drop dead gorgeous and lit up the screen in every scene she was in which is most of them I'm glad to report.
It's a strange movie, the director seems to of made a stylistic choice to make it as stilted, pretentious, and unrealistic as possible but I don't blame the actors they all were good I just did not believe these people ever existed, in the past that's been a problem for me but in this movie I'm not so sure. It did subvert my expectations which I appreciate, I mean it does strike me as quite an original treatment. I pretty much disliked all the characters and the story couldn't of been more pretentious and contrived, you can name drop all the horror movies you like including Baby Jane a personal fav but I still found myself pretty irritated by the whole production. It was a bit to esoteric for me and I like esoteric weird stuff so I can't see this being a hit with the general public. The photography and the lighting is nice not flashy, the long takes at great but I couldn't help asking myself Why make this? Why a film? Yet I couldn't look away so I guess the director did something right I just can't put my finger on it. It kind of reminded me a little of THE BROWN BUNNY by Vincent Gallo, if you a fan of those kind of art movies give it a spin you may really like it.
I can see why Oscar was unable to be there for this one but I hope he turns up for Serra Naiman some day.