Agreements related to contracts and grants administered by the Research Foundation of CUNY (RF) on behalf of the University are signed by signatories designated by the RF.

Signatory Authority for research-related Agreements not entered into by the RF on behalf of the University are designated in the memo available here Please refer to the chart below to identify where to forward any Agreements not entered into by the RF, except as noted.

Research Agreements Point Person (RAPP)

The Research Agreements Point Person (RAPP) serves as the first point of contact for CUNY faculty, staff and students who may become involved research agreements. Contact information of the current Research Agreements Point Person for each College is available here.

Agreement/ Certification Type


Authorized Signatory

(in addition to CUNY General Counsel)

Certificates of Confidentiality Applications &
Privacy Certificates*
Forward to for processing Associate Vice Chancellor for Research or University Executive Director of Research Integrity and Compliance
Data Transfer Agreements Follow work instructions within SOPs and forward to Associate Vice Chancellor for Research or University Executive Director of Research Integrity and Compliance
Data Use Agreements (restricted) Follow work instructions within SOPs and forward to Associate Vice Chancellor for Research or University Executive Director of Research Integrity and Compliance
Data Use Agreements (unrestricted) Follow work instructions within SOPs and forward to Associate Vice Chancellor for Research or University Executive Director of Research Integrity and Compliance
IRB Authorization Agreements* Follow SOP and use related FORM accordingly

Please note that the Form is a fillable document. You must download the PDF in order to view it as fillable.

Associate Vice Chancellor for Research or University Executive Director of Research Integrity and Compliance
Independent Researcher Agreements* Follow SOPs and use related Application accordingly

Please note that the Application is a fillable document. You must download the PDF in order to view it as fillable.

CUNY College Provost or CUNY School Dean
Material Transfer Agreements Technology Commercialization Office Director of Technology Commercialization Office
Nondisclosure & Confidentiality Agreements Technology Commercialization Office Director of Technology Commercialization Office
Research Collaboration Agreements & Consortium Agreements, including Statements of Intent to Establish a Consortium Agreement Forward to Associate Vice Chancellor for Research


* The Signatory Authority for these documents is always the CUNY official listed here, regardless of an Agreement entered into by the Research Foundation on behalf of the University.