Upcoming Training
Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Workshop
Friday April 4, 10:00am – 12pm.
Zoom. Register here.
If you have questions, please email Tanzina Khan, Research Compliance Analyst: tanzina.khan@cuny.edu
Sponsored projects: Sponsored projects are project activities that include research, creative activity, and training. It includes instruction or service undertaken within or on behalf of the university pursuant to funding or other support from an external source.
Research: Research means a systematic experiment, study, evaluation, demonstration or survey, in any academic field, designed to develop or contribute to general knowledge (basic research) or specific knowledge (applied research) by establishing, discovering, developing, elucidating or confirming information about, or the underlying mechanism relating to, causes, functions or effects.
One mission of the CUNY Office of Research is to ensure University compliance with federal, state and local regulations and ethical standards with regard to all aspects pertaining to the responsible conduct of research. Vital to our mission of promoting research excellence is the creation and implementation of key University policies. These policies address a wide variety of research issues and regulatory requirements, spanning all areas of research at CUNY. The Research Integrity and Compliance division of the CUNY Office of Research provides oversight, administrative support and educational training concerning regulatory and ethical issues related to research.
CUNY’s Conflict of Interest policy establishes standards to ensure that there is no reasonable possibility that any conflicting interests will bias the design, conduct, reporting or review of research projects at the University, regardless of the source of funding or the commercial exploitation of the results of such projects.
At CUNY, we are committed to maintaining an open teaching and research environment that supports the global benefit of our academic and research endeavors. At the same time, we remain equally committed to complying with export control regulations pertaining to the conduct of our research and the dissemination of its products.
CUNY’s HRPP is responsible for the protection of the rights and welfare of human subjects in research projects conducted at CUNY or by CUNY faculty, staff and students, and RF CUNY staff.
Learn how to enter into research agreements at CUNY and to identify the appropriate signatory for each type of agreement.
View our policies and guidance developed to assist our research community in remaining compliant with sponsor requirements.
CUNY is committed to the responsible and ethical conduct of research. View information on CUNY’s RCR program and related resources in this section.
Learn more about CUNY’s research and sponsored projects compliance training and education plan, and related materials.
View our resource library to see various materials that will help you conduct your research.
View the contact information for relevant individuals in the Research Integrity & Compliance division.
Click here to report a concern.