[go: up one dir, main page]

A new version of the Google Apps Directory Sync tool is now available with the following improvements:

- Added the ability to synchronize only passwords that have changed since the previous sync.
- Added the option to prevent a sync from suspending/deleting admin accounts not found in the LDAP server.
- Improved performance of the sync simulation UI.
- Added support for Base64-encoded passwords.
- Logs are now encoded in UTF-8 by default to support non-ISO characters.
- The logging level menu now displays options in decreasing order of verbosity.
- Added logging for suspended accounts that are not deleted because of the current configuration.

Editions included:
Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

How to access what's new:
Download page

For more information:
Release notes: http://www.google.com/support/a/bin/answer.py?answer=1263028

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Version 3.1.4 of the Google Apps Migration for Lotus Notes tool is now available with the following improvements:

- New calendar migration test mode. Migrate events with full attendee details, but with no attendee fan-out. Events migrated using test mode are clearly identified as such in Google Calendar.
- Reduced size and life span of Migration Status view indexes to offer better performance in the user's mailbox.
- Miscellaneous UI improvements.

Editions included:
Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

For more information:
Release notes: https://www.google.com/support/a/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=161642

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Google Apps users can grant access to their Gmail account allowing another person to read, send, and delete messages on their behalf. This access was limited to 10 users but this limit has now been increased to 25.

Release track:
Rapid or Scheduled

Editions included:
Google Apps for Business, Education and Government

Languages included:
All languages supported by Gmail

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Google Apps Mobile Management is a set of device management controls integrated into the Google Apps control panel. It covers Android and Google Sync devices, which include iOS, Windows Phone, and other smartphones and tablets using Microsoft® Exchange ActiveSync®.

With Mobile Management, you can manage your mobile fleet with the following features:
- Granular policies: Configure mobile settings at the organizational unit level
- Device activation: Control what devices can connect to your users' Google Apps data
- Device console: View all mobile devices in your domain connecting with Google Sync or Android Sync.

In addition to these mobile settings, you can view graphs about mobile usage and see mobile trends in your organization in the Reports tab of your control panel.

Editions included:
Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

Languages included:
US English Only (Next Generation Control Panel)

How to access what's new:
Mobile Management is in the administrator control panel under ‘Settings’ -> ‘Mobile'

Note: Android devices need to have the Google Apps Device Policy app installed to show up under the Devices tab. Send this sample email to your users instructing them to download the Device Policy app before you check 'Enforce policies on Android devices' or 'Enable device activation.'
- Devices not supported: BlackBerry devices and devices connecting via IMAP or POP because these do not use Google Sync (Microsoft® Exchange ActiveSync®) or Android Sync.
- Users who can already sync with your Google Apps domain will still be able to sync with your Google Apps domain. After November 14, new Android users will need to install Device Policy if you enforce device policies or enable activation.
- Administrators can audit mobile apps installed on Android devices that access Google Apps data (see the Devices tab), but cannot audit mobile apps on other operating systems like iOS and Windows Phone.

For more information:
Help Center: http://www.google.com/support/a/bin/answer.py?answer=1734200

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We recently made it possible to restrict the download of non-Google editor file types in Google Docs. This restriction can be applied to .ppt, .pdf, video, and image files for example.

Release track:

Editions included:
Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

Languages included:
All languages supported by Google Docs

How to access what's new:
Select the file that you want to restrict, select the ‘More’ menu and choose the new option. Alternatively, right-click a document in the docslist and select ‘prevent viewers from downloading’ from the menu options.

For more information:

*Rapid Release track: Domains with ‘Rapid release’ checkbox enabled in the administrator control panel. Learn more

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Users can browse the entire Google Apps directory for their domain from within Contacts without having to search. This is especially useful when a user doesn’t know the exact name or spelling of the person they’re looking for or wants to see a complete list of contacts for their domain in alphabetical order. Just click “Directory” in the left sidebar from within Contacts in Gmail to get started.

Release track:

Editions included:
Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

How to access what's new:
- To enable / disable the ability to browse the Google Apps directory, enable / disable Contact Sharing: Control Panel -> Settings -> Contacts -> Enable / Disable contact sharing.
- To hide specific users (or resources) from being visible to other users from within Contacts: Control Panel -> Organization and Users -> User information -> Contact Sharing checkbox.
- To set the Google Apps directory to be alphabetized by first or last name: Control Panel ->Settings -> Email -> Name format.

- Reload Gmail
- Go to "Contacts"
- In the left sidebar, click "Directory", above "New Group..." at the bottom.
- Browse by using either the next/prev arrow buttons or open the drop down to the left of the next/prev arrow buttons to jump directly to a specific alphabetical range.

For more information:

*Rapid Release track: Domains with ‘Rapid release’ checkbox enabled in the administrator control panel. Learn more

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Google Apps administrators now have the following new options in the Google Apps Control Panel for Sites:

Site Creation: Select whether to allow users in organizational units to create new sites.

Site Visibility: Select the default visibility for newly created sites per organizational unit.

Editions included:
Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

Languages included:
US English only (Next Generation Control Panel)

How to access what's new:
In the admin control panel, click ‘Settings,’ then Sites, then ‘Org Settings’ to see the new options.

Note: We’re aware of a known cosmetic issue where the organizational unit name does not display properly in the Site Creation section. We’re working on resolving this.

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Beginning November 22, 2011, we will end support for the Gmail App for Blackberry (installed native app). Over this past year, we've focused efforts on building a great Gmail experience in the mobile browser and will continue investing in this area.

Users may continue to use the app, if installed, however it will not be supported by Google, or available for download starting November 22. BlackBerry users can continue to access Gmail through the mobile web app at http://www.gmail.com in their BlackBerry web browser. Learn more.

Editions included:
Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

For more information:

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Version 2.3 of the Google Apps Migration for Microsoft® Exchange tool is now available with the following improvements:

- Pre-migration diagnostics
Check for configuration errors in connectivity and authentication; and errors in your user list before you run a migration.
- Detailed migration reports
Quickly determine if any message errors occurred during a migration, why those errors occurred, and which users were affected by them.
- IMAP server list
Allows you to choose the specific type of IMAP server from which you are migrating data, which improves performance.
- New command line options:
--emapi_sleep_time -- Specifies the interval between two EMAPI requests to throttle the upload
--run_diagnostics -- Runs pre-migration diagnostics
--imap_server_type -- Specifies the type of IMAP server from which you are migrating data
--noenable_error_reports -- Prevents the utility from generating migration reports, which improves performance
- Improved data estimation feature
Feature now uses multi-threading for significantly faster overall data migration estimations.

Editions included:
Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

For more information:
Release notes: https://www.google.com/support/a/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=162794

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A ‘Suggested times’ feature is now available in Calendar. If a guest is using Google Calendar and you or users at your domain have access to their calendar, when you click on this new feature, a popup will display times when guests are available.

Release track:

Editions included:
Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

Languages included:
All languages supported by Google Calendar

How to access what's new:
1. Add a guest to your event and the ‘Suggested times’ link will appear.
2. Click the link to open a popup that will display times when guests are available.
3. Find a time that works and click to select it.
4. The calendar event page will automatically update to reflect your chosen time.

- If you don’t have access to a guest’s calendar, the popup will still indicate if “All participants can attend” as it only checks those calendars that you have access to, including your own.
- If there isn't a time when all of your guests are available, the popup will display the error message, "No free times for all participants were found through [day and time range you selected]. Choose a different start time to search again". This may happen if some guests have all-day events or working hours set.
- The list can also be navigated using the arrow keys and is accessible with a screen reader for accessibility.

For more information:

*Rapid Release track: Domains with ‘Rapid release’ checkbox enabled in the administrator control panel. Learn more

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Google Apps administrators have a link available in their Gmail inbox which allows them to easily access their administrator control panel. This link is an alternative to logging in at www.google.com/a/your_domain.com where your_domain.com is the name of the admin’s domain.

If an administrator account switches to Gmail’s new look, the ‘Manage this domain’ link moves from its current location, to the Settings gear menu in the upper right of the Gmail inbox.

Release track:
Rapid and Scheduled

Editions included:
Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

Languages included:
All languages supported by Gmail

For more information:

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Google Apps users are now able to switch to Gmail’s new look.

Updates and improvements include:
- Streamlined conversations
- Elastic density to suit various screen sizes
- New HD themes
- Smarter navigation
- Better search

For a comprehensive overview of the changes, please visit the Gmail Blog.

Release track:
Rapid* and Scheduled**

Editions included:
Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

Languages included:
All languages supported by Gmail

How to access what's new:
Rapid Release domains: Click on ‘Switch to the new look’ in the bottom-right of the Gmail inbox, beside the ‘Manage this domain’ link.
Scheduled Release domains: Click on ‘Switch to the new look’ in the upper-right corner of the inbox.

**If the administrator of a domain has previously requested to disable Google promotions in Gmail, this option to switch to the new look will not appear for users at these domains, but will be available in a number of weeks.

For more information:
Help Center: https://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=1357852&ctx=cbo&cbid=722971680

*Rapid/Scheduled Release track: Domains with ‘Rapid release’ or ‘Scheduled release’ checkbox enabled in the administrator control panel. Learn more

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Google Apps administrators can manually turn on Google+ for their organization. Once Google+ is turned on, users will need to sign up at google.com/+ to get started. For customers who use Google Apps for Business or the free version of Google Apps and who have chosen to automatically enable new services, Google+ will automatically become available to all of your users over the next several days.

Editions included:
Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Government and Education*

Languages included:
Control Panel: All languages supported by the control panel
Google+: All languages supported by Google+

How to access what's new:
Follow these steps to roll out Google+ to your users.

Note: Google+ requires Picasa Web Albums for photo sharing and Google Talk for chat, so if these services are not enabled then Google+ will not automatically become available, even if your domain has chosen to automatically enable new services. The option to automatically enable new services is controlled in the Domain settings tab of the administrator control panel. More information about using Google+ with Google Apps is available in the Help Center.

*Education editions only: Google+ is available only for higher education institutions that are existing Google Apps for Education customers. If you don't see the Google+ service in your control panel (as described above), you'll need to apply for the service to have it added to your control panel.

For more information:
Help Center: http://www.google.com/support/a/bin/topic.py?hl=en&topic=1631857

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Google Apps administrators have a link available in their Gmail inbox which allows them to easily access their administrator control panel. This link is an alternative to logging in at www.google.com/a/yourdomain.com where yourdomain.com is the name of the admin’s domain.

This ‘Manage this domain’ link is temporarily moving from its current location at the top right of the inbox, to the bottom right corner of the inbox, just underneath ‘Last account activity’. This relocation is related to the new look being rolled out to Google Apps services and we’ll provide more updates on its final location when available.

Release track:

Editions included:
Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

Languages included:
All languages supported by Gmail

How to access what's new:
In an administrator's Gmail inbox, scroll down and the 'Manage this domain' link is now located on the bottom right side.

For more information:

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A new option is now available to users when granting access to their Gmail account. This option controls whether a message is marked as read or unread when accessed by the person delegated to access the account. This is useful for the manager/assistant use cases.

Release track:

Editions included:
Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

Languages included:
All languages supported by Gmail

How to access what's new:
In Gmail settings, select the ‘Accounts’ tab and navigate to the ‘Grant access to your account section’. When setting up or modifying access, the new options to mark or leave conversations as read when opened by others are available there.

Note: Administrators can control whether their users have this option to grant access or not via the administrator control panel.

For more information:

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A preview is now available of the new version of presentations with faster collaboration and more features.

In the new presentations, we’ve added many of your most requested features, including:
- Transitions to move between slides with simple fades or spicier 3D effects
- Animations to add emphasis or to make your slides more playful
- New themes to create beautiful presentations with distinct visual styles
- Drawings to build new designs, layouts, and flowcharts within a presentation
- Rich tables with merged cells and more options for adding style to your data

Release track:

Editions included:
Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

Languages included:
All languages supported by Google Presentations

How to access what's new:
In your document list, click on the gear icon and select ‘Document settings.’ Then, from the editing tab, check the box to “Create new presentations using the latest version of the presentation editor.”

Note: Many of the new features were built using technologies that are only available in modern browsers. If you’re using an older browser you’ll be able to view, but not edit, the new presentations.

For more information:

*Rapid Release track: Domains with ‘Rapid release’ checkbox enabled in the administrator control panel. Learn more

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The Google Docs app for Android has now been enhanced for tablet devices with Android 3.0+ (Honeycomb) and above. With a new design, we’ve customized the look to make the most of the larger screen space on tablets. The layout includes a three-panel view, which allows you to navigate through filters and collections, view your document list, and see document details, all at once.

Editions included:
Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

Languages included:
All 46 languages supported by Google Docs

How to access what's new:
Download the app from the Android Market

For more information:

New look on the way for Gmail, Calendar, Docs and Sites! Find out more at whatsnew.googleapps.com/new-look

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You can now display charts directly in Google Sites. Once you select a spreadsheet, the editor picks existing charts from the spreadsheet to embed into a Site.

You can decide to choose between two modes Live and Snapshot to show the data.
- Live provides you with dynamic charts. Whenever the chart is loaded in the Site, the chart will display the most recent data in the spreadsheet. This is very useful in cases when the spreadsheet data is updated manually or using a script.
- Snapshot means just that. It’s a snapshot at a point in time, so the chart will store and display the exact same data, regardless of whether you make changes to the underlying data sheet.

Release track:

Editions included:
Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

How to access what's new:
When editing a page, click ‘Insert Menu’ and choose ‘Charts'.

For more information:
Help Center: http://www.google.com/support/sites/bin/answer.py?answer=1680639

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Gmail and Gmail for mobile are now available in Persian (Farsi - فارسی), making the total number of languages that Gmail is available in to 54.

Release track:

Editions included:
Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

How to access what's new:
Select the new option in the Gmail settings page, under the language dropdown.

For more information:

*Rapid Release track: Domains with ‘Rapid release’ checkbox enabled in the administrator control panel. Learn more

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The following new features are now available in Google spreadsheets:

Vertical merge: The merge functionality has been extended to let you create vertical merges across several rows of data.
Paste options: Four new paste special options have been added including: paste all cell contents except borders, formulas only, data validation only, or conditional formatting only.
Import/Export support: You can now convert most pivot tables between Microsoft Excel files and Google spreadsheets.

Release track:
Rapid*: Vertical merge, Paste options
Rapid and Scheduled: Import/Export

Editions included:
Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

Languages included:
All languages supported by Google Spreadsheets

How to access what's new:
Vertical merge: Select the set of cells you’d like to merge, then click on the down arrow next to the merge icon, and select ‘Merge vertically’.
Paste options: These new options are in a list under “Paste Special” in the ‘Edit’ menu of Google spreadsheets.
Import/Export support: To import a pivot table you created in Microsoft Excel, click the ‘File’ menu in Google spreadsheets, and select ‘import’, then select the file from the import options, and click the ‘import’ button. If you’ve created a pivot table in Google spreadsheets, go to ‘File’ in the spreadsheet, then click ‘Download As’, and choose ‘Excel’.

For more information:

*Rapid Release track: Domains with ‘Rapid release’ checkbox enabled in the administrator control panel. Learn more

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