bridge, well, gate, jug, olive tree, window —
at most, pillar, tower … but to say them, remember,
oh, to say them in a way that the things themselves
never dreamed of existing so intensely."
—Rainer Maria Rilke
Assemblage by Elspeth Slayter. See blog here.
Many of us in this blog circle see the beauty in discarded objects. I am intrigued to see broken household objects re-fashioned into something that holds my attention..... something that I often find beautiful.
Of course beauty is in the eye of the beholder ........ and One person's junk is another person's treasure!
Leonardo Drew's work is constructed with trash which most people walk past on the street and yet it is so exciting .... even beautiful. Well, it makes MY heart race anyway!
Leonardo Drew. This photo was taken by Los Dragonnes on Flickr. See photostream here.
Federico Hurtado. See Flickr photostream here.
Everything of the best to all my blogging friends and followers and wishing you peace and joy in 2011.