Coopérative Féminine de Djajibiné Gandega "Djida". Photograph by Anais Gordils
Oh to be a fly on the wall! I don't know about you, but I thrive on the energy surrounding artists at work and often wish I could just sit quietly observing without the artist being aware of my presence.
Whatever man makes and makes live
lives because of the life put into it.
A yard of Indian muslin is alive with Hindu life.
And a Navajo woman, weaving her rug in the pattern of her dream
must run the pattern out in a little break at the end
so that her soul can come out, back to her.
But in the odd pattern, like snake-marks on the sand
it leaves a trail.
- D H Lawrence
Annamaria Potamiti's Studio. See blog here.
Elaine Kerr at work. See Elaine's Flickr photostream here.
Don't forget Lynne Perrella's lucky draw, here on the 8th. You could win a copy of Inside the Painter's Sudio by Joe Fig ....