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Thoughts about Fun

Hey San Franciscans: Come Get Intimate
Just a thought from 15 August 2006 about , , , , .

heather gold showMy fellow San Franciscans, got plans Friday night? If not, come watch me get intimate with Heather Gold!

Inspired by Shabbat Salons, comedian Heather Gold brings the talk show format into the 21st century. Her live talk show mixes thinkers, entertainers, doers and the audience with humor, curiosity and yes, a little soul.

This Friday's show is all about "Intimacy" and features comedian and survivor's rights activist Betsy Salkind, author/spoken word artist Michelle Tea, and yours truly, talking up digital intimacy.

It all happens the JCCSF, 3200 California Street, from 8:00-9:30pm. Hope to see you there!

UPDATE: It went great! Heather posted a great wrap-up.

My Dog is So Smart
Just a thought from 18 June 2006 about , , .

old dog of the seaYesterday Heather and I were walking the pups through Golden Gate Park when we came upon Stow Lake. Heather noticed that, if you rent a proper rowboat (instead of the little paddle boats), dogs are allowed. Why not? Before I knew it, we were in the mucus-colored lake, Heather rowing Bug, Chieka, and I around. Yes, I can let a woman row me around a lake. I'm progressive like that.

Chieka, knowing full well what was happening, sat in my lap and vibrated like a scared thing. Bug, however, being the brave (and perhaps none too bright) soul that he is, immediately started patrolling the boat. We were barely five minutes into our journey when he walked right up to the side of the boat and put his paws up on the edge.

Continue reading “My Dog is So Smart” »

Attention Daily Show
Just a thought from 20 April 2006 about , , .

Attention Daily Show with Jon Stewart:


Hire this man immediately.

Don't make me beg.

My Blogger Code
Just a thought from 10 March 2006 about , , .

Congrats to Jason for getting Blogger Code 2.0 out! I whipped up a little design lovin for it. Oh, and, here's my code. What's yours?

B9 D+++ T+ K+ S+ F I+ O+ X+ E+ L- C-- Y1 R++ W- P++++ M5 N+ N+

Bring on the Ego Charting!
Just a thought from 17 January 2006 about , , , .

We released some cool new stuff over at Technorati last night. We now have interactive charty goodness for any keyword search, and we're handing out the code to blog the graphs. For example, here's the last three months of the word, oh, I dunno, how about ... "Powazek".

Technorati Chart

And with that, Technorati ushers in the age of the Ego Chart. Give it a try! You know you want to.

"It's So Big!"
Just a thought from 12 January 2006 about , , , , .

I have to say, hearing my wife come into the living room and say, "Oh my God, it's so big," gives me a certain manly geek pride I've never quite felt before.

She also told me it was well hung.

Flickr: Phase One of Home Beautification Project Complete!

My Flickr Top 20
Just a thought from 5 January 2006 about , , , , .

I try to be an intellectual. I try to an artist. But it turns out people just come around for the little dog photos.

20 Most Favorited Photos

This is a mosaic of the top 20 photos from my Flickr photostream, as picked by my fellow Flickrinos hitting that "favorite" button. Important stats:

10 little dogs
2 of my beautiful wife
2 zombies
1 famous bicyclist
1 unknown accordionist
1 favorite moment from our wedding (taken by the marvelous Katy Raddatz)
0 big dogs

The audience has spoken. More little dogs in 2006!

Before and After
Just a thought from 30 June 2005 about , , .

me me me

One of the many perks of the first day off work in months is tending to long-overdue life maintenance. Today I ran errands, cleaned the house, and got a haircut. Consider this post my little contribution to the most interesting Google image search ever. I feel like a new man already.

Heather and I on Lulu
Just a thought from 3 May 2005 about , , , , .

Jason took this fabulous photo of Heather and I to help promote JPG Magazine. It's currently in rotation on the Lulu homepage. Hooray!

Pixel Boy
Just a thought from 23 April 2005 about .

I love my new neighborhoodie.

Photo by Heather.

I'm a designer for a living. I spend my days moving pixels. Sometimes I feel like all those pixels on the screen own me. Now everybody knows - I am my pixels' bitch.

Rockstar Treatment
Just a thought from 19 February 2005 about , , , , .

If there's one thing better than having super-talented friends, it's having super-talented friends who let you participate in their projects. Today Heather and I went over to Robin's garage studio for the rockstar treatment, which consists of a white backdrop, a few lights, and a camera. All in all it's pretty low tech. The fanciest thing in the garage was the iPod playing the tunes. Whatta blast. Thanks Robin!

Lotsa Leias
Just a thought from 27 October 2004 about .

leia-1.jpgWHO: You, dressed as Princess Leia.
WHAT: Halloween in the Castro, San Francisco.
WHERE: Meet at the corner of Church and Market Streets at 7:45pm.
WHEN: Halloween night: Sunday, October 31, 2004.
WHY: Because you're our only hope.

Be there or be a scruffy-looking nerf herder.

UPDATE: It was a blast! Dig them Leias.

Just a thought from 25 August 2004 about .

» A Rational Response to Image Theft, a Photoblogs post by me about the Ephemera Image Widget.

» Now I know what to do if I ever see someone peddling W. in my 'hood. I can only hope Dubya My Ass becomes a national trend.

» Congrats to Heather, who is celebrating her 10 year anniversary of putting cool shit online.

» Did you catch the moment when John Stewart and John Kerry went nose to nose last night? I swear, for just a second, I thought they were gonna kiss.

» Fray Day 8 is coming.

Bits and Bobs
Just a thought from 8 August 2004 about .

Scotsman: Prozac seeping into water supplies. Is it just me, or do you kinda hope your city is next, too?

NY Times Slideshow: The Strokes. Beautiful liquid photos.

Ephemera: Buy a Print! Support my photo habit.

Two movies that were a lot better than expected: The Village and The Bourne Supremacy. Two movies that were just about as enjoyable as expected, so long as your expectations are low: I, Robot and Spider-Man 2.

Guilty pleasure: In a Fix on TLC.

Near Port Orford, Oregon? Go see the exhibit at Point B Studio including photos by myself and the wife.

Just a thought from 19 April 2004 about .

PETER: When you come in on Monday and you're not feeling real well does anyone ever say to you sounds like someone has a case of the Mondays?

LAWRENCE: Shit no man, I believe you'd get your ass kicked saying something like that man.

Office Space

More Office Space clips.

This section is called Just a Thought. It's a blog where I post little pieces of what I'm thinking about at the moment. This page shows thoughts about Fun, including:

Hey San Franciscans: Come Get Intimate
15 August 2006

My Dog is So Smart
18 June 2006

Attention Daily Show
20 April 2006

My Blogger Code
10 March 2006

Bring on the Ego Charting!
17 January 2006

"It's So Big!"
12 January 2006

My Flickr Top 20
5 January 2006

Before and After
30 June 2005

Heather and I on Lulu
3 May 2005

Pixel Boy
23 April 2005

Rockstar Treatment
19 February 2005

Lotsa Leias
27 October 2004

25 August 2004

Bits and Bobs
8 August 2004

19 April 2004

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The Fine Print

Working the web since 1995, Derek Powazek is the creator of many award-winning websites, a couple of which still exist. Derek is the cofounder of JPG Magazine and the CCO of 8020 Publishing. Derek lives in San Francisco with his wife, two nutty Chihuahuas, a grumpy cat, and a house full of plants named Fred. More »

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