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Kindle Unlimited

Kindle Unlimited (KU) is a subscription program where customers can read Kindle eBooks and keep them as long as they want, for a monthly subscription fee. Customers don’t have to be Amazon Prime members to enroll in Kindle Unlimited (KU). When you enroll in KDP Select, your Kindle eBook is automatically included in Kindle Unlimited (KU). Your Kindle eBook will still be available for customers to buy, and you'll continue to earn royalties from those sales.

To be included in Kindle Unlimited (KU), you must meet the KDP Select requirements and enroll your Kindle eBook in KDP Select. If you don’t want your Kindle eBook in Kindle Unlimited (KU), you have the option to remove it from KDP Select.

How readers find Kindle Unlimited books

When customers subscribe to Kindle Unlimited (KU), they'll see a badge next to your enrolled Kindle eBook indicating it is available in Kindle Unlimited (KU). They can also visit Amazon's Kindle Unlimited (KU) page to see Kindle eBooks that are available.

You'll receive a share of the KDP Select Global Fund as individual customers read pages of your Kindle eBook for the first time.

Abonnement Kindle

In France, Kindle Unlimited (KU) is now called "Abonnement Kindle." Abonnement Kindle subscribers residing in France get reading credits when paying their subscription. These credits are "mutualized" among all subscribers residing in France. This allows all subscribers living in France to read a large number of Kindle eBooks included in their subscription.

In the context, authors established in France have to set a price per reading unit (on KDP, per page read) for their Kindle eBook that is included in "Abonnement Kindle." You can enter this price in your KDP account. KDP authors not established in France don’t need to set a price per page for their Kindle eBooks included in our Kindle eBook subscription programs.

The royalties of KDP authors based in France don’t vary based on the price per page that is set. KDP authors established in France are paid a share of the KDP Select Global Fund, as are all KDP authors.

To set a per-page price:
  1. to your Bookshelf.
  2. Next to the Kindle eBook enrolled in KDP Select, click the ellipsis button ("...") under the Kindle eBook Actions menu.
  3. Select KDP Select Info.
  4. Enter your price information in the window that appears.

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