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Beau Lebens recently informed bloggerDev that he's posted a PHP library for interacting with Atom APIs (like Blogger's): http://dentedreality.com.au/phpatomapi/

In case you're ever looking for example code for posting to Blogger's Atom API from PHP, see this post on bloggerDev: "Working PHP code to post to Blogger"

Our friends at Photolightning just released their latest version, which incorporates some nifty Blogger functionality — it can post photos to blogs, which can then be purchased at ClubPhoto. Here's an example blog with some Photolightning posts.

FeedBurner just announced their RESTful Feed Management API:
Tired of coming to FeedBurner to analyze your stats? Use the API. Tired of "logging in" via a "browser" to "edit" your feed "settings"? Use the API.

What can't you do with the API? Nothing, with one exception. The API has a built-in limit of 20 burned feeds per user id. We will ratchet this down even lower if it's abused, but that seems like a reasonable number to get started.

François Hodierne recently implemented Blogger Atom API support on blogmarks.net:
"The good news is that this PHP/PEAR implementation is open source and immediately available. Be careful, this is not very seriously tested."

You can get it from here:

We've just added two new sections to Blogger's Atom API documentation:

Draft is what you'd expect it to be. Extensions is where we'll be documenting Blogger-specific additions to the API, such as Line Break Status (the only one listed at the moment).

Please post any questions or comments to bloggerDev.

Jon Davis just wrote in to let us know that PowerBlog (a Windows-based desktop blogging client) has gone Open Source:


EVDB just launched their API.

I like Step 3: "Go make something cool!"

Dick just announced FeedBurner's Feed Awareness API, which "enables any 3rd party to query feed statistics on FeedBurner feeds."
"AwAPI uses a straightforward web-based protocol to receive requests and return data. Known as REST, it allows anyone to request feed traffic data using URLs submitted via HTTP. The data is returned as plain text XML which can be repurposed, transformed, and displayed by applications that you build. Using XML as the output format means testing and exploring AwAPI is as simple as composing an AwAPI URL and then requesting it with a web browser."

Scott Lemon just wrote in to let us know he's released RadioAtomBridge, a tool that enables Radio Userland to post to Blogger blogs:
"A while back I realized that I really wanted to use Radio to be able to post to some of my blogs that are hosted at Blogger.com and Blogspot.com..."

"So this is it ... the new and improved RadioAtomBridge Tool ... a derivative of the xManilaBloggerBridge Tool which was a derivative of the ManilaBloggerBridge Tool. I'm giving all of this code to Userland to incorporate this into a future version of Radio."

The folks at FotoFlix just wrote in to let us know that they've added Blogger support to their photo-sharing site.
"We are very excited to offer this service and Blogger is the first blogging site which we are supporting directly using an API... We are anticipating for it to be well received due to it's uniqueness and simplicity."
It's great to see innovative new Atom API uses from the web community!

Another webapp/blogging API with which to tinker: Textamerica Developer API

Scott Andrew is blogging all about AJAX and JavaScript at The Strange Zen of JavaScript. Just added it to the blogroll...

[via PhilR]

We just heard from Lawrence Lee of Zoundry that their Blog Writer app has been updated to support SSL and Blogger's AtomAPI. It's a Windows app for doing WYSIWYG blogging from the desktop.

Steve Novoselac just wrote in to let us know that PocketBlogger's been updated to support Blogger's Atom API and secure authentication via SSL.

PocketBlogger is a PocketPC Blogger client.

Our friends at The Robot Co-op just released Web Services. for 43Things. Fun!

Google Code launched today; here's DiBona's Google Blog post:
We're very happy to be launching code.google.com today. To begin, we're releasing some developer-oriented libraries and tools. Google developers use these every day to make their programs easier to debug, faster, and more reliable. A number of engineers have used their 20% time to ready these tools for release, and will also help build the communities we hope will form around them.

We're also featuring links to all current Google APIs. Come check them out and if you'd like more information, please join our group, subscribe to our feeds, or if you're shy, email us directly. And happy coding!

Nice! Adriaan just released an updated version of Ecto for both Mac and Windows, which supports SSL authentication.

A long-overdue Atom API update just went live. Aside from lots of bug fixes, full i18n support is present via UTF-8, and authentication now works securely via Basic HTTP Auth over SSL at the Atom endpoint: https://www.blogger.com/atom

Documentation is live too, and feel free to post to the BloggerDev list if you need technical assistance. Be sure to search the list archives first however, in case your issue has already been addressed. Note that Post Titles now work seemlessly via the API.

We've already been testing an updated version of Adriaan Tijsseling's Ecto, and we'd love to hear from anyone else making progress with their Blogger/Atom apps. You can email us at support AT blogger.com, subject=BDN.

Thanks for your patience as we've worked on shipping this API milestone!

Marcelo Cabral just updated w.bloggar to v4.0, and Dmitry Chestnykh released BlogJet v1.5 — both now support SSL for posting to Blogger blogs.