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Debugging web pages displayed in Chrome for iOS has always required building the project from source because the release version of WKWebView does not support Safari Remote Debugging. To help bridge the gap of missing developer support, we added the chrome://inspect page in M73 to locally view JavaScript logs. While building Chrome for iOS from source is still the best way to fully debug web pages, we hope that this tool will make it easier to troubleshoot some problems.
When building Chrome for iOS from source, Safari Web Inspector can be used to debug a web page rendered in Chrome. However, this takes a non-trivial amount of effort which includes setting up a Chromium checkout, installing a current version of Xcode, and waiting for the build to complete. Additionally, a Mac with enough disk space to hold the code and tools is required. This barrier to debugging has led to bugs being filed for specific website failures on Chrome for iOS.

These bugs can be difficult to diagnose as they are generally based on a single failure case. Chrome developers most likely don’t know the website application well enough to fully understand what is causing the bug. Often, the reporter has even spent time to build a dedicated test page to more precisely understand the issue. The lack of debugging tools require developers to come up with alternative methods in order to debug their websites. Of course, nothing is wrong with filing bugs, and we certainly don’t want to discourage it, but we do want to improve the web developer experience.
In-app JavaScript Console
Enable JavaScript log collection by navigating to chrome://inspect in Chrome for iOS and leaving that tab open to collect logs. In another tab, reproduce the case for which you are interested. Then switch back to the chrome://inspect tab to view the collected logs.  (Log collection will stop if the chrome://inspect page closes or navigates and logs will be lost as they are not persisted.)

Posted by Mike Dougherty, Chrome Engineer on iOS

Unless otherwise noted, changes described below apply to the newest Chrome Beta channel release for Android, Android WebView, Chrome OS, Linux, macOS, and Windows. View a complete list of the features in Chrome 74 on ChromeStatus.com. Chrome 74 is beta as of March 22, 2019.

CSS prefers-reduced-motion media query

Some users have reported getting motion sick when viewing parallax scrolling, zooming, and other motion effects. To address this, many operating systems like Android depicted in the screenshot below provide an accessibility option to reduce motion whenever possible.

Chrome now provides a media query, prefers-reduced-motion (part of Media Queries Level 5), that allows websites to honor these options when they are available.

Here's a short example to give you a taste of how it works. Imagine I have a sign-up button that draws attention to itself with a slight motion. The new query lets me shut off the motion for just the button.

@media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
  button {
    animation: none;

For all the details and options, read Move Ya! Or maybe, don't, if the user prefers-reduced-motion!.

Private class fields

Chrome 72 introduced ECMAScript's new public class fields. Class fields simplify class syntax by avoiding the need for constructor functions just to define instance properties. Starting in Chrome 74, you can mark a field as private and no consumer of the class can ever access its value.

To mark a field as private, prepend it with a pound sign (#). As with public class fields, your properties do not need to be in a constructor.

class IncreasingCounter {
  #count = 0;
  get value() {
    console.log('Getting the current value!');
    return this.#count;
  increment() {

Unlike public fields, private fields are not accessible outside of the class body. To read more about private class fields as well as the existing public class fields, read Public and private class fields. See Specification Compliance in this article for more on CSS changes.

JavaScript API for feature policy

Feature policies, which were introduced in Chrome 60, allow websites to selectively enable, disable, and modify the behavior of APIs and other web features. This is done either through the Feature-Policy header or through the allow attribute on an iframe.

In Chrome 74, feature policies are enhanced with the addition of a JavaScript API, available from document.featurePolicy and frame.featurePolicy. The new API encompasses three functions:
  • allowedFeatures() returns a list of features allowed by the current domain. 
  • allowsFeature() returns a boolean indicating whether a specific feature is allowed by either the current domain or by the specified domain. 
  • getAllowlistForFeature() returns a list of domains used on the current page that allow a specified feature.
For examples of these methods and for information about feature policy in general, read Introduction to Feature Policy.

Other features in this release

sampleRate option for the AudioContext constructor

Sets the "sampleRate" to a particular value for an AudioContext that will be created. This allows developers to set an arbitrary sample rate for audio processing in Web Audio API that is separate from the hardware rate. Use this to reduce complexity (by using a lower sample rate) or make the sample rate consistent across all devices by using a fixed rate and letting WebAudio resample appropriately for the hardware rate.


Chrome now supports the Intl.Locale class, which allows the following:
  • Parsing and manipulating the language, region, and script of a locale
  • Reading or writing the Unicode extension tags in a locale
  • Storing user locale preferences for this API in a serializable, standard format (rather than using a combination of language and the options object).

Signed exchange reporting for distributors

Signed Exchange Reporting for distributors extends Network Error Logging to enable the distributors of signed exchanges to investigate signed exchange loading errors such as certificate verification errors.

TextEncoder encodeInto() method

Chrome now supports TextEncoder.prototype.encodeInto(), which allows an encoded string to be written directly "into" a supplied pre-allocated buffer, offering a performant alternative to using encode() to produce a buffer, and copying its contents into an existing buffer.

Service worker: client.postMessage() is buffered until the document is ready.

To prevent messages from being delivered before the destination is readyclient.postMessage() does not dispatch the message until one of the following has occurred on the destination:
  • DOMContentLoaded event is fired.
  • onmessage is set.
  • startMessages() is called.

Specification compliance

CSS transition events

The CSS Transitions specification requires that transition events are sent when a transition is enqueued, starts, ends, or is canceled as transitionruntransitionstart, transitionend, and transitioncancel respectively. These events mirror the CSS animation events which allow developers to observe CSS animations. Chrome now follows the specification.

RTCIceCandidate and RTCIceCandidateInit

RTCIceCandidate and RTCIceCandidateInit now comply with the specification. The RTCIceCandidate interface describes an ICE candidate in WebRTC. It is available in Chrome, but it is not spec compliant as it is missing some fields. There are also some deviations from the specification in terms of nullable and read-only attributes and errors thrown by the constructor.

XHR falls back to UTF-8 when invalid encoding is specified

When an invalid encoding is specified for an XMLHttpRequest (via overrideMimeType() or the response's MIME type), UTF-8 is used in conformance with the specification. Previously Latin-1 was used.

Note: This applies to desktop Chrome only.

Deprecations and removals

Remove PaymentAddress's languageCode property

The PaymentAddress's languageCode property has been removed from the Payment Request API. This property is the browser's best guess for the language of the text in the shipping, billing, delivery, or pickup address in Payment Request API. The languageCode property is marked at risk in the specification and has already been removed from Firefox and Safari. Usage in Chrome is small enough for safe removal.

Deprecate drive-by downloads in sandboxed iframes

Chrome will soon prevent downloads in sandboxed iframes that lack a user gesture, though this restriction could be lifted via an allow-downloads-without-user-activation keyword in the sandbox attribute list. This allows content providers to restrict malicious or abusive downloads.
Downloads can bring security vulnerabilities to a system. Even though additional security checks are done in Chrome and the operating system, we feel blocking downloads in sandboxed iframes also fits the general thought behind the sandbox. Apart from security concerns, it would be a more pleasant user experience for a click to trigger a download on the same page, compared with downloads starting automatically when a user lands on a new page, or started non-spontaneously after the click.

Browsing the web with poor connectivity can be a frustrating, slow, and expensive experience.

Chrome on Android’s Data Saver feature helps by automatically optimizing web pages to make them load faster. When users are facing network or data constraints, Data Saver may reduce data use by up to 90% and load pages two times faster, and by making pages load faster, a larger fraction of pages actually finish loading on slow networks. Now, we are securely extending performance improvements beyond HTTP pages to HTTPS pages and providing direct feedback to the developers who want it.

To show users when a page has been optimized, Chrome now shows in the URL bar that a Lite version of the page is being displayed. Users can tap this indicator to see more information and to access an option to load the original version of the page. Chrome automatically disables Lite pages on a per-site or per-user basis when it detects that users frequently opt to load the original page.

How do Lite pages work?

We use built-in optimizations and Google servers to improve page loading. The specific optimization techniques depend on what region the user is in and on how the developer wrote and served that particular page. When Chrome optimizes an HTTPS page, only the URL is shared with Google; other information – cookies, login information, and personalized page content – is not shared with Google.

These optimizations are only applied when the loading experience would be painful to users. Specifically, they are applied  when the network’s effective connection type is “2G” or “slow-2G,” or when Chrome estimates the page load will take more than 5 seconds to reach first contentful paint given current network conditions and device capabilities. Chrome applies these criteria equally to all pages. For all but the slowest sites, we expect this to affect a very small percentage of page loads.

What does this mean for developers?

To try out Lite pages on Chrome for Android, simply enable Data Saver from the settings menu and load a page on a very slow network.

If you’re using a faster network, set #force-effective-connection-type to any 2G option at chrome://flags. To prevent automatic disabling of the feature as a result of users opting out, enable #ignore-previews-blocklist.

We want developers to know when and why Lite pages are being shown, so starting with Chrome 72, you can implement intervention reports with the Reporting API, which detail when these optimizations are used.

Lite pages are only triggered for extremely slow sites, so we encourage developers to measure how well their pages are currently performing over slow networks. We recommend several tools to evaluate and improve a web page’s performance:

In addition, web.dev is a guide for developers to learn about best practices for building fast and performant web experiences.

As we continue to improve this feature, we are providing an option to disable it on your site. Chrome will not show a Lite page if the original page’s main HTML response includes the ‘no-transform’ directive in the ‘cache-control’ header. If you use this option, please file a bug since we don’t intend for it ever to be necessary to opt out.

Posted by Ben Greenstein, Lite Pages Technical Lead and Nancy Gao, Product Manager, Chrome