Build your content during the holiday season
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Holiday season is driven by users purchasing for themselves and for family’s gifts.
Don’t worry, even if your content is not related to the holiday season, a rise in internet traffic increases the probability of users landing on your page. Holiday season means an opportunity for all!
- Think mobile size
1. Be mindful of the number of ads you show so users find it easy to digest on mobile. Keep your content short (and sweet). A recent Google study found that consumers ‘disliked mobile pages with ad densities greater than 30% and flashing animated ads2. Click here to learn more about mobile ad format optimization
Users are increasingly searching on their mobiles. Smartphones accounted for the majority of digital shopping traffic for the first time this holiday season with 51% of visits according to Adobe - Incorporate keywords into your content
- Mobile searches for “best” have grown over 80% in two years3.
- The searches for Black Friday shopping increased by 1,150% on Google in 2018 from November to December4.
- ‘Where to buy’ is a trending search phrase during the holiday season. For example, “where to buy cards,” and “where to buy gift boxes”5. - Keep up to date with this season’s trendsThe Google Trends tool will help you discover what are the big internet search topic of the moment for your audience. Check Google Trends tool. Internet users are also increasingly hungry for video content. For this holiday season, look at what’s trending amongst viewers with Youtube trends.
- Let’s talk SEOLet Google Search find your site! Understand the basics of crawling, indexing, serving and how Google Search works. Get your site on Google.
- It's not over until it's over
Keep publishing content throughout the season. Users are searching right up until Christmas. With new gadgets to unbox and explore, plenty of users will be online on Christmas Day itself, downloading apps, updating drivers and registering their devices. In fact, searches for ‘download’ and ‘activate’ are 30% higher on December 25th than during the week prior6.
Good luck on working with your content. Next week we'll review what publishers should do to get the most out of the time after the holiday season.
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Daryna Chushko - Publisher Growth Marketing Manager