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About Us

About Us
The Muslim Community of Edmonton (MCE) Mosque evolved from the Muslim Students' Association (MSA) of the University of Alberta. Around 60 university students used to pray at the University as the Al Rashid mosque was quite far. They had numerous problems in booking rooms which they had to pay for. As such, functions were limited to Fridays. A group of students met and decided they needed a da'wah (outreach) centre near the university that would cater to the university and downtown community. They formed the MCE association with the goal of building a mosque and a Muslim house. The land was purchased on 86 Avenue and 107 Street in 1984 at a cost of $230,000. The money mainly came from abroad. Construction of the building started with full participation from the community, which helped immensely in terms of monetary donations, labour, carpentry, plumbing, etc. Two fundraising dinners were held to help raise funds for the construction. With Allah's grace, the mosque was completed in 1991, and was opened for prayers on February 29, 1992.

Marriage services (wedding ceremonies, registrations, etc.)
We are registered to perform legal marriages under Service Alberta's guidelines, and are happy to offer this service at a minimal cost (fees to cover basic administrative costs & registering your marriage with Vital Statistics), as well as nikah services at no extra cost. Please contact us for details and to arrange your marriage &/or nikah needs.

International Open University (IOU) Exam Centre
Alhamdu-lillaah, our mosque has been administering and proctoring exams for the IOU since July 2011. For more information about the IOU or its programs please visit iou.edu.gm.

Knowledge Islamic University (KIU) Exam Centre
Alhamdu-lillaah, our mosque has also been administering and proctoring exams for the KIU since January 2015. For more information about the KIU or its programs please visit www.kiu.org/website.

Dining & banquet facilities (waleemah &/or 'aqeeqah)
We encourage community patrons to make use of our dining area for waleemah / 'aqeeqah purposes in-shaa'-Allah! Contact us today for details and to make a booking!


The five daily prayers are established at the MCE Mosque, along with the weekly Jumu'ah (congregational) prayer.  The MCE also holds taraweeh & tahajjud prayers during Ramadan.

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