Both seasons are worthy of your time if you like quality drama that unfolds over several episodes.
The writing, acting, and production are top quality, with no 'as if' moments. As someone else has mentioned, the first season does borrow from 'Edge of Darkness' but it is used for inspiration and not a copy - the story develops in a different direction.
The brother with Asperger's/autism is a great part that any actor would have loved to play. His part is written into the story and is NOT the story - inclusiveness for the sake of it really pi**ses me off, so I was impressed with how his character developed as part of the story.
The BBC are crap at developing stories that include diversity and always seem to thrust it down your throat, so I liked how this production (not BBC) portrayed the autistic character. I write that to encourage you to watch this show as I am usually put off by any 'inclusiveness' being central to the story. 'The Bridge' (Nordic version) did it better, but this is comparable and I write that as a compliment.
Watch and enjoy.