This is in many ways a charming movie in a different country and language that I hadn't come across before.
While it may seem predictable, the road getting there is enjoyable.
The two lead characters are very well portrayed, the woman is beautiful and very good, in terms of acting the man is even better.
He is the son of a rich owner of a TV station, He wants to make his own independent stamp, but it appeares that his father has tied him to a well-intentioned but ultimately harmful condition for inheriting the father's fortune. This is also tied tgo a complicated story involving the break up of the parent's marriage, and the son's uncertainty about the cause of the break. That has affected his ability to relate well and choose well regarding women. That will be the theme of the movie. The ending is a little unsatisfactory or contradictory, it has indicated to us how the woman feels about the man, but at the end gives an impression of confusion.
But as a whole, the movie remains different, pleasant, and the main characters very likeable.