I'm a major gundam fan and this show was a honestly a disappointment. The concept of showing these events from the regular soldiers point of view was a great idea in my opinion. I like that it shows the struggles of war in a more dark tone than gundam normally does.
This is definitely not a children's Gundam side story, it's rated MA for a reason. Just putting this here incase a parent didn't realize.
As far as the bad goes:
I really did not like the animation style. It's one of those weird attempts at trying to make animation look more like live action and it just doesn't work. I don't like how the MC contradicts her morals for the writers to try and make her look like a beacon of morality. This is kind of a theme throughout, you can tell it was written for western audiences. I also don't like the heavy plot armor to keep the show going. I would rather have seen some of the main characters fall. It would have made the story more realistic. It's hard to explain well without spoilers, but there's many situations where atleast one of them should have either made a sacrifice for the team or fell heroically, etc. Not doing so took all the weight of the decisions away and makes everything feel pretty pointless. Most good war movies show this because it's important to make the characters actions feel important. I feel like MC should have been like the only one to survive the horror which could have fundamentally altered her view of humanity.
Overall I like the base idea, but the executive was pretty bad imo.