Too many questions remain unanswered. For example: How do you pay for Yonder? Shouldn't people be suspicious about what the company does with all their knowledge? They surely didn't create this artificial paradise for free-so what's the real cost?
What about laws and government regulations? Is all of this even legal?
And what happens if the server crashes? Are you just gone forever?
The storyline outside of Yonder also feels underdeveloped. What happened to the people, his friends, in the real world after the male protagonist chose Yonder? Why introduce them at all if they serve no bigger purpose?
Additionally, it seems like none of these characters has other family or friends. If people decide to commit suicide just to reunite with lost loved ones, wouldn't that affect those they leave behind? But the series doesn't touch on this. Like all those people had absolutley no one left! The world isn't like that. The guy might have had parents, siblings and we know he had at least some friends.
The emotions are completely over the top. No normal person would act like that-and if they did, they would probably need professional help. Plus, the female lead feels like she has no real personality. She's just gentle and considerate, which makes her both unrealistic and boring.
There are also long, silent moments where no one speaks, and only the piano plays. The dialogue lacks depth, making it easy to lose interest or even fall asleep.
And there's a overall lack of action from the characters. I expected them to explore this new world-where can they go and what are the limits? What happens if they commit a crime? Can they even reach people outside Yonder? If every day is the same, wouldn't they try to change it? To spice it up?
Only the ending was surprising.
The series had so much potential! But it really couldn't reach me. I just felt like this is sloppy writing. Too bad.