Extremely well acted and directed movie up until the LUDICROUS ending. What an insulting thing to do to this story. The filmmakers left out a CRUCIAL piece of the story - the 'evidence' which leads to the military's 'involvement'. The fabricated hollywood thriller ending of this film almost makes me sick. The filmmakers should feel great SHAME in how they ended this film. It insults the memory of the children and their families who suffered their loss. Heartbreaking tale. It's obvious the boy wandered into the military shooting base and one of was either accidentally shot OR they saw something they shouldn't have and we killed because of it. ONE person shot their rifle that day and his identity has never been revealed. IMO THIS is the culprit and until they are revealed, a HUGE injustice was done here. Very sad - and even sadder the filmmakers chose to ignore this... I haven't seen a more cowardly film in my life. It was involving right up to the end. Shameful, cowardly was to end this story. It's maddening and saddening at the same time.