Let me save you some time, don't watch this.
I decided to watch it based upon other reviews saying it's good, and the description sounded interesting. Well, unfortunately, all the other raving reviews are by people who are extremely intoxicated - or have the worst taste in movies ever. I cannot enjoy this, it's pretty terrible.
The acting is wooden at best, the plot and story isn't terrible, that's what first drew me to the movie after all. Unfortunately the pacing and actions of the characters is pretty ridiculous, almost cartoonish at how bad it all is, the characters are barely 1 dimensional, the pacing is delayed and awkward, almost uncomfortable at times, nothing flows or feels real. The cinematography and sound is completely awful, like someone is using an old camera they found in their parents closet, which of course isn't doing the already struggling actors any favors.
A good director could possibly take this movie and make it good with a lot of work and re-takes. Sadly, it's pretty clear that isn't the case here, there is no chemistry at all. I've been more drawn into and invested in high-school and college theater productions than I am to this movie.
I got halfway through and I had to stop. I hope this review saves someone else from wasting their evening.