'Tricks' (or 'Sztuczki' ) is an utterly charming and delightful film by Polish director Andrzej Jakimowski,. A young Polish boy, Stefek, is determined to find his father, whom he has never met. He has an active imagination and tries various 'tricks' to succeed. He believes in a chain of events, and that one thing will lead to the next, and that he can induce or 'bribe' fate to do what he wants. In this case to find his father. And Stefek is not one to give up lightly.
The backdrop is a small Polish village, where we witness a slice of small town life, where much activity is focused on the railway line that crosses the town.
His sister Elka is trying to find a better job, but also has to look after the boy while their mother works in a shop, and even when Elka is with her boyfriend. We meet several other colourful characters in town as young Stefek continues his quest.
It is the subtleties, the understatements that make this film so special: Stefek hesitating before answering questions, the 'tricks' he plays with coins and toy soldiers, the way how he attempts to discover the combination of factors that makes his neighbour's pigeons fly their coop. Director Jakimowski did an outstanding job.
Technically too this is an excellent film; the richly-hued cinematography by Adam Bajerski and soundtrack by Tomasz Gassowski in particular are outstanding. And then the acting by the non- professional cast; the boy Stefek played by Damian Ul, is a true natural and gave a magic performance, and so too his sister Elka (Ewelina Walendziak).
I am looking forward watching this gem of a film again. 8/10.