I look forward to every Monday night to see Still Standing. It is a funny show, with good actors and a lot of talent. Mark Addy is the typical football loving, remote control addict father. He is very funny as Bill. Jami Gertz is a fun loving mother, who loves her kids, but doesn't care what they do. It's almost similar to Married..with Children, but not as dysfunctional. Brian is a brainiac who can't believe he actually lives in a family like he does. Lauren just tries to live a normal life with her friends, but can't escape the embarrassment her parents put on her. And Tina is witty girl who is unpredictable all the time. I fail to see how people can say they hate this show, because I enjoyed it from day 1. This is in no way a rip off of Everybody Loves Raymond. This is it's own show by itself. CBS has a hit on it's hands.