11 reviews
Well, they say nymphomania leaves you unsatisfied. I don't know if Stella James (Sean Young) qualifies as a clinical nymphomaniac, but she certainly is in to sexual relations with men. She's still exploring, trying to find "more data" so she can see what she wants from life and the men in it, though it seems like at her age she should have a pretty good idea by now. (I can't agree, however, with anyone who says Young is too old for the role. If she is, we should all age so nicely.) For the most part this film left me cold, though it's by no means the worst of its type you'll ever see. And unlike the recent 'Eyes Wide Shut,' at least something happens in this one.
- Hermit C-2
- Aug 4, 1999
- Permalink
"Men" is no blockbuster Hollywood film. Instead it's a character drama that revolves around Stella (Sean Young), a budding chef who likes cooking things up with men as much a she likes cooking up souffles. During the course of the film she beds a guy she sees through a shop window, the owner of the restaurant where she works, a fat drunk from Alabama and a spacy photographer (if that isn't redundant.) What's amazing is that through all this, you like her and respect her as a decent person, aided by Young's trademark off-center style. It's not for everyone, but if you like characters better than car crashes, give it a go.
A total waste of time. Sean Young may have been hot stuff once upon a time, and her character, Stella, seems to be determined to prove she's irresistible to all men of all ages, shapes, and sizes. But her long string of sexual "experiences" lack any real sizzle, just less-than-hot nudity and obviously faked ardor. Though Stella slides from one unappealing sexual partner to the next with no reservations and next to no provocation, she never really gets anywhere. It's all pointless and goes (dully) nowhere. There's a lot of talk about how free she is, but all she really is is aimless. Though she cooks a lot and talks about what she's cooking as if it's the ultimate in haute cuisine, what she perpetually whips up is, like her sex life, messy and over-rated and, ultimately, unappealing. Every time she is shown cooking, there seems to be a lot of flames and sloppy spillovers -- one supposes this is meant to parallel what she would like to think her sex life is like. But there is no real fire there, not even much steam. The stuff in her frying pan never looks really appetizing. Neither does she.
"Men" is also a total misleading title. There is not a real man in the entire lot of partners she takes on. It's all just a bunch of losers using each other for misguided -- or unguided -- gratification. Stella's "friends" are boozers and losers and abusers, but of course she is, too, and the best thing to say for the lot of them is that they deserve each other. Character development is zero; nobody grows up, never grows in any direction. Plot is nonexistent; a series of porn scenes does not make for anything resembling cinematic story-telling. And the characters (and the talk-talk-talk) become increasingly bizarre and sordid. All this makes the final true-love-and-heartbreak seem out-of-place, a parody of sorts.
All in all a totally dull and pointless something-or-other. Certainly it is not a movie worth watching.
"Men" is also a total misleading title. There is not a real man in the entire lot of partners she takes on. It's all just a bunch of losers using each other for misguided -- or unguided -- gratification. Stella's "friends" are boozers and losers and abusers, but of course she is, too, and the best thing to say for the lot of them is that they deserve each other. Character development is zero; nobody grows up, never grows in any direction. Plot is nonexistent; a series of porn scenes does not make for anything resembling cinematic story-telling. And the characters (and the talk-talk-talk) become increasingly bizarre and sordid. All this makes the final true-love-and-heartbreak seem out-of-place, a parody of sorts.
All in all a totally dull and pointless something-or-other. Certainly it is not a movie worth watching.
- bigdave11243
- Feb 25, 2013
- Permalink
Let's start with Sean Young. Not a great actress but known for her sexy roles. In this she seems miscast. She was 36 at the time of filming (it shows) and the role seems to be sorted to to a younger actress.
The writer and director, who also had a hand in the movie, ' Autism The Musical, hasn't made anything else for the last twenty or so years......hardly surprising.
On paper the cast are pretty good. On film, they all stink. The writing is wooden and unbelievable. The relationships are implausible. Sex has never seemed so 'by the numbers'.
I have no idea what the point of the movie was, wasting the first half hour with the drunk guy was a poor start. Avoid.
The writer and director, who also had a hand in the movie, ' Autism The Musical, hasn't made anything else for the last twenty or so years......hardly surprising.
On paper the cast are pretty good. On film, they all stink. The writing is wooden and unbelievable. The relationships are implausible. Sex has never seemed so 'by the numbers'.
I have no idea what the point of the movie was, wasting the first half hour with the drunk guy was a poor start. Avoid.
- stevelivesey-37183
- Jan 30, 2024
- Permalink
I hate this movie. It is a horrid movie. Sean Young's character is completely unsympathetic. Her performance is wooden at best. The storyline is completely predictable, and completely uninteresting. I would never recommend this film to anyone. It is one of the worst movies I have ever had the misfortune to see.
- mark.waltz
- Apr 27, 2022
- Permalink
Another movie about men-women relationships. This time, Young plays a girl who sleeps with every man she finds in order to get experience ("experience will lead her to understanding", she expects). So, I spent 90 minutes, with a very sad (not to say boring) girl, with absolutely no emotions in her face (and nowhere else).
The movie is really slow, and the message seems to be lost. I insist, perhaps with an actress actually reflecting any feeling at all, it would have been an interesting story, as it reverts the men's typical role into a woman. The drunken guy character seems to be pointless, and has no explanation at all.
So, we all ended up as empty as we started...
The movie is really slow, and the message seems to be lost. I insist, perhaps with an actress actually reflecting any feeling at all, it would have been an interesting story, as it reverts the men's typical role into a woman. The drunken guy character seems to be pointless, and has no explanation at all.
So, we all ended up as empty as we started...
i first saw this movie years ago and i liked it then and i still like it now. i thought the movie realistically portrayed a woman who is searching for her own meaning of sex and relationships. she's into trying new things and experiencing life and, as she says in the film, not taking anything that anyone else has experienced as a given. Stella is not looking to be saved or taken care of. she is her own woman who is not afraid of anything and is just curious about life. the different men she meets along the way are interesting and funny and it is nice that she is not trying to fit herself into their lives nor their lives into hers. the movie is not formulaic at all. the food featured in the movie is great as is the music provided by mark Mothersbaugh.
Amusing and well written up until about the last ten minutes of the film. Without revealing the plot, the Richard Hillman character isn't that believable and he does something pretty stupid toward the end of the story that changes the whole mood of the film. The Dylan Walsh character was just a bit too well scrubbed and attractive to be taken seriously as a hopeless alcoholic. Karen Black is pretty funny as a kooky blind lesbian.
It may be that you've better off reading the book first before watching this movie. Some reviewers have called it dull and slow moving, but I savored every incident and interaction between the characters; that may have been because I'd rehearsed them in the book – in this case I think the movie does a very good job of translating those incidents into an alternative reality that might just enhance what you already imagined via the printed word.
If you are a Sean Young fan you will not want to miss this – it is a much better role for her than most. You would never guess it by searching her movies by their viewer rating (93rd). I'd rank it in her top 10 best movies. It takes advantage of her comedic abilities, her dramatic abilities, and her quirkiness.
If you are a Sean Young fan you will not want to miss this – it is a much better role for her than most. You would never guess it by searching her movies by their viewer rating (93rd). I'd rank it in her top 10 best movies. It takes advantage of her comedic abilities, her dramatic abilities, and her quirkiness.
- healthcaregamer
- Apr 18, 2014
- Permalink
Here's one of those movies that pretends to have something to say, and tries to disguise the fact that it's utterly banal by centering on sexuality. The lead character is played by Sean Young, the actress's slight wackiness gives the character her only spark. Certainly the writing is poor and the plot development virtually nonexistent. Stella is a chef who lives with a young rich alcoholic, who has a tendency to speak in artsty semi poetic phrases. She has sex with strangers for the ostensible purpose of gathering information about men. One problem is that she never seems to learn anything, nor does she seem to be particularly enjoying herself, and the men she ends up with don't seem to have much to tell her in any event. Strangely, as much spouting as Stella does about "this is who I am" and "knowing what she wants", when she is asked about being "a slut" by a friend, the first words out of her mouth are "what about men?" and justifying herself by the way men act, or rather are portrayed to act "in the movies". We're not really given any clue as to what's really going on in the movie, and because of the poor writing, aren't really given a reason to care.
If you're looking for character driven film making, I'd suggest looking elsewhere.
If you're looking for character driven film making, I'd suggest looking elsewhere.