Christ on a bike, were they trying to do an Oz version of Gone With The Wind here? Flashbacks, psychology, voiceovers, time-lapse photography, courtroom drama only for a sexcomedy about an average Ocker whom the girls can't resist? How much attention and energy did the producers think I'm willing to invest?
Actually lead actor Graeme Blundell with his odd, impish charme is the movie's biggest asset. The girls are simply not that hot for an escapist fantasy and their roles are far too ambitious and grandiose. There are not nearly enough nor good enough saucy scenes; when at long last one of them gets her knockers out, the scene turns into a painting-each-other-with-acrylic-colours hippiefest, and the plot is at the same time complex but not interesting enough.
There are some nice scenes of bygone Melbourne though.