As a teenager, I loved the Spencer/Hill films and this was one of my favorites. When I watched it again a few years ago I was a bit anxious that I might spoil my childhood memories by too clearly seeing its flaws now. I shouldn't have worried: although there are a few flaws (especially the overuse of fist fights and a quarter-hearted attempt at romance) it remains very entertaining. And you won't be able to get the catchy theme song out of your head.
Our two heroes are push pilots of the lowest caliber somewhere in South America. The opening scene in which Bud Spencer flies one of these jokes with wings in bad weather conditions is a classic. First you think it is one of those 'hero overcomes impossible odds' kinds of scenes, and then it turns out not to be, and then, perhaps, it was such a scene after all, in a way. You see: I'm struggling to explain it without giving anything away, suffice it to say that it's clever and funny.
The bad guys are mostly a bit lifeless, with the exception of Reinhard Kolldehoff who makes an excellent sleazy bastard, similar to the kinds Eduardo Fajardo uses to play.