This may seem familiar or similar to those who know the Fugitive but I became pretty obsessed with this show when I was about 8 or 9 and recall being apoplectic when it was canceled! The story of a man who would live forever or 1000 years seemed so appealing to me as a young kid with my first portable Sony TV that parents gave me to lose my pester presence in front of living room TV nightly! Chris George was very good in this (my 8 year old mind was fairly discerning given I was kind of a oenophile even then). Think it was head an shoulders above many other dramas at that time which were mostly formulaic detective shows like Mannix. I never gravitated towards fantasy or Sci Fi other than this show and Twilight Zone but believe this was first show on at 10pm that I woke up tired for school because of. Sorry I don't remember more plots but if I can rematch it perhaps it will come flooding back.