Story about teenagers awkwarditious and'' im humbly there for you ''-behaviour, where the butterflies shoots grains of sugar each time a smile or a kiss or even just the reckognition of attention makes everything go jelly in every joint of the body and the toungemuscles seize to work at all, yeah its the things everybody will become or have been through if old as me the grumpy old man, looking back in reminiscence.
its not a super interesting story, script wise its overuse of words like ''eehm'' and ''hey...'' drags down quality, cast young and not spangling like stars yet, but the environments and situations that the mains lives are quite fine. also overall good impression by the extras in the background, they are pretty game and seems not to be afraid of the camera lens, that shows signs of good direction.
productionwise its good filmed, sounds good, its edited quite seamless and the weedy neighbourhood locations well chosen. the musical score though is a bummer though, feeling like being in a cheap banjo climpering western scorewise. but thats my tinnitusious ears of mine...
so this is the kind of debutants dream come through, and never fails nor succeeds, , time filler yes, generic yes, original no, so therefore a small recommend from'' tgom ''.