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when you're life fades while watching a movie
3 December 2012
When daylight fades Is a low budget slow moving, boring vampire movie about love, relationship, and god knows what else. The main problem for me with this movie is the pace and the fact that you really don't care about any of the characters. The main guy is supposedly the underdog of the society whom never has much luck; than one night he meets the women of he's dreams, they have a fight just before things go wrong. And he gets turned in to a vampire with a conscience. Which means he's gonna go around for the rest of the movie preaching about right and wrong and that you can not go around killing people, just cause you're a vampire. Even though he does it him self sometimes He bitch and wines like he is in a Ben stiller movie. This gives me even less sympathy for him. "Oh it's so hard being a vampire", "my conscience is telling me to stop" If you like a vampire movie that moves at snail pace, this might just be the movie for you. It's kind of like a movie about a vampire's struggle with he's inner self and he's conscience. It makes twilight seem Oscar worthy, and they even have sparkling vampires how sad is that
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