Movie actually doesnt has any hooked intro scenes. Even title scene doesnt has the hook to yell. But.... it is completely alri8. The whole movie is slow paced. Im okay with slow paced screenplay. If u loved the goat breaking bad, u wont even point the slow pace as a issue. I dunno maybe i might try new theatres, the theatre promoted it as 4k rgb, the brightness isnt upto the mark. It was gk poonga, manampathy,kancheepuram. The 2nd show actually, there wasnt any wopping crowd. Barely half filled. Whats wondering is the ticket price, 150rs.
The film shows quality, a perfect example for how a fine film should be. The twists actually worked well, the writing of tight situations are worked very well. The feel of lost, actually felt by us. The divorce convincing dialogues are deep and convinced well. There were flashbacks, it was okey, but yet not much detailed. So dialogues fills the gaps. The music wasnt that much notable, but works well with the movie. The music does its part in this art form.
Whats not okay is the predictable story, there will be a scene which shows regina cassandra's flashback. It actually spoiled the engagement. It might be placed at the end of the film(atleast her psychopath behaviour).
In some scenes the story is stretched as per the directors idea, not convincing tbh.
Whats most wierder in this film is the subtitle colour, green. Whose idea is that ?
The second half has the fight sequences, which was intense. The play of two masterminds is barely rememberable in the screen play.
The editing, placing might changed the film's screenplay to make it as a cult film. The bit predictable, stretched story becomes a villain for this movie.
So the movie as a movie fanatic, is worth a watch as a whole package.
But questionable for benchmark lvl box office hits, since it barely satisfies general audience.