Jesse Stone: No Remorse is a movie that chooses substance over style. The movie stays away from tons of action scenes, impressive camera angles and CGI. Instead this is a movie with a story that actually focuses on the story (consisting mainly of dialogue). The movie is labeled as a crime/mystery but personally I would label it more as a drama centering around burned out detective Stone's life and his interactions with other interesting characters in his small town, and a subplot about the solving of a couple of murder cases and robberies. The subplot isn't as thorough though. Therefore I advice people that are going to watch this movie to not expect to watch a complex 'whodunit' movie. I haven't seen the previous installments of the Jesse Stone series but I can say that in the way this movie was presented I was able to follow the plot. I must say this movie did raise my curiosity, so I might watch the other Jesse Stone movies. I'm not much of a television viewer, let alone a television film viewer. I was very surprised to see how good this movie is. I found this to be better than a lot of movies I watched in the cinema recently. The intriguing dialogue and good acting makes this charming little film a worthwhile experience. 8/10