Helen Thigpen era conosciuta come attrice. È celebre per aver partecipato a Porgy and Bess (1959) e Tonight! (1953). Morì il 3 settembre 1966. Luogo di morte: Usa.
She acted in the musical, "Porgy and Bess," at the Hanna Theatre in Cleveland, Ohio with Leontyne Price (Bess); LeVern Hutcherson (Porgy); Cab Calloway (Sportin Life); Helen Dowdy; Irene Williams; Elizabeth Foster; Georgia Burke; Helen Colbert; Joseph James; William Veasey; Leslie Scott; John McCurry; Howard Roberts; Moses LaMarr; Sam Kasakoff; Catherine Ayres; Jerry Laws; Sherman Sneed; and Ray Yeates in the cast. Du Bose and Dorothy Heyward wrote the book. George Gershwin was composer. Du Bose Hayward and Ira Gershwin wrote the music and lyrics. Wolfgang Roth was set designer. Jed Mace was costume designer. Eva Jessye was choral director. Alexander Smallens was conductor. Robert Breen was director. Blevins Davis and Robert Breen were producers.