When you see the names of Maurice Druon, Marcel Jullian and Claude Barma you can expect something clever and good ! You are right, this one is great. Not much more to say. 6 of the 7 books written by Maurice Druon were adapted for this TV series. Jean Piat, a major french actor, is the main character, Robert d'Artois, and the series is about this character, beginning with the sad "affaires des brus du roy", to his death during the premises of the "guerre de 100 ans". It's probably the most difficult part of France and England history and some clues are given here about the usurpation of the crown of St Louis by the family of Valois against the more legitimate heirs, Edward III of England and Charles d'Evreux ( Charles le mauvais, Roi de Navarre). Well, about this the film is quite confusing, but Caveat ! It is not historically accurate, it is a novel about Robert D'Artois, and must be taken as a novel featuring real historical characters in an historical background. It is very interesting, but some events are inaccurate, or wrong. The talent of Maurice Druon is to make all this realistic, and he did quite a job of historian and writer ! Chapeau bas !
Anyway, it is wonderful for any foreigner (or even any french student). I don't like TV, and I don't own one myself, but when I see such a pure jewel, I must admit sometimes TV can be clever and even brilliant. I am very glad to own a copy to watch on my computer, it was not easy to get even here in France. If they are available in your country, read the books, too ! don't hesitate to write me to exchange ideas, opinions or informations about the 14th century. I'd like to get some other TV series about the same period : Gaston Phebus and even more Catherine. It seems they are completely unavailable anywhere, even at the INA.