Charlotte: [Charlotte signing the one-hit song 'Starburst' at the BBC Television Centre on Jools TV programme] I dreamt the earth was dying, we were choking on the fumes. Apocalypse, desintegration, we furnished our own doom. A cold and vast eternity, was all our future held. We'd sucked it dry and only left pollution's acrid smell. It was some time, some time on the trip to Uranus. Saturn, Pluto,Mars, who could blame us?. Maybe some time, when the moon no longer feels the pull of the Earth, we'll be there at the new planets birth, you and I, and we'll kiss a supernova. Born of our bliss for light years, it could happen like this, a galaxy, that we can call home. Sent my children skyward, I launched them into space, a herculean effort, the strain shows on my face, we headed for Saturn. Inspected his ring the Dog Star and Pluto, we heard angels sing. It was some time, some time on the trip to Uranus, Saturn, Pluto, Mars, who could blame us? Maybe some time, when the moon no longer feels the pull of the Earth, we'll be there at the new planet's birth, you and I and we'll kiss a supernova born of our bliss. For light years it could happen like this, a galaxy, that we can call home. A black hole pulled us in we saw quasars, Saturn, Pluto, Mars who can blame us? Maybe some time, when the moon no longer feels the pull of the Earth, we'll be there at the new planet's birth, you and I, and we'll kiss, a supernova born of our bliss. For light years it could happen like this, a galaxy that we can call home, that we can call home. Maybe some time. Maybe some time.