I wasn't sure about this initially, but I've now watched season 1 and 2, and I really like it!
Mixing comedy, with a police drama is difficult, and yes, very often the situations are absurd, but you just have to sit back, and not take it too seriously. Personally, I don't think it's laugh out loud funny, but it is amusing, all the way through. With one of the cops being brought back from the dead, with AI, it is completely unpredictable, as his AI system doesn't work particularly well! Lol
I love the two main actors, and despite it being a comedy, their genuine friendship is heartwarming, touching, and very believable.
It is rated 15, but I would say, that that rating is mainly based on strong language. There are shootings, and injuries, but it definitely isn't gory, and the violence is not extreme, as it seems to be with the majority of cop shows nowadays. I can't watch anything that shows extreme violence or gore, so this was a joy to watch, as there was nothing that I had to hide behind a cushion for!
It looks like a 3rd season has been commissioned, so I look, forward to that!