The preview for this movie does not give the audience enough of an idea of how well this movie actually plays out. Russell Crowe is not just an ill-mannered detective from Los Angeles, or a Gladiator from ancient Rome; no, in Mystery, Alaska, he showed that he indeed has a nurturing, almost lovable side to him. Mystery is a small, quiet town located smack dab in the middle of Alaska. It is a town where hockey is the most important thing in their lives. There are special "Saturday Games" where the town's Mayor, and two other board members select a few townsfolk to play against each other for the enjoyment of the other townspeople. When an article about this town and their hockey playing is published in Sports Illustrated, The NHL decides that the N.Y. Rangers would play an exhibition game in Mystery, Alaska for a little publicity.
Throughout this movie, the people of Mystery band together and eventually play their game against the Rangers.... This movie is well worth the $3.79 to rent, if you weren't one of the lucky ones to see it in the theater. As much as I enjoyed this movie, there was one scene which was a little reminiscent of Varsity Blues. The acting is wonderful, and I think that everyone that gives this movie a chance will appreciate the great story.