Sex Tape turned out to be more enjoyable than I expected it to be. It wasn't a film that was full of laughs but it had a few and in general I was smirking most of the way through. Yes it is silly but its certainly not the worst comedy film I've seen.
Cameron Diaz and Jason Segel have a good on screen chemistry once again , as they also did in 2011 comedy, Bad Teacher. The film is straight to the point and to me it flowed along quite nicely despite some cringe worthy moments.
The humor is pretty crude but it certainly could have been ruder, I did expect there to be some actual nudity but that wasn't the case. The plot did come a little ridiculous/predictable towards the end but overall I still enjoyed the movie enough to watch it the whole way through with no issues (Cameron Diaz's charm and sexiness being the main factor).
I was going to rate it 6/10 but towards the end when the actual tape was shown, I couldn't stop laughing at the flip move that Cameron Diaz done 3 times! Best bit of the film for me.