I must admit, the first half hour had me questioning if I was wasting my time. I was confused about the vast demographics the film was trying to appeal to. Maybe there could've been some improvements there.
Once the 2nd act started, I slowly started to find myself more and more invested in the characters. However, I was still questioning potential plot holes in the story and the films demographic.
During the 3rd act, it really tied itself together and started to make a lot more sense. I want to rewatch it knowing how well it ends, similar to a Christopher Nolan film. I'm curious what a child would think of this film because it deals with some adult themes and subject matter that only an adult would relate to. It isn't crude, it's very family friendly. A child might find it slow and boring at times. The moral of the film might go over a child's head but there's plenty of humour and subject matter aimed at children.
Overall, I was very impressed with this film, and I'll be watching it again. Take your kids to it. If they don't enjoy it now, it'll definitely have a completely different meaning to them in 10, 20, or 30 years. As an adult, you'll almost definitely enjoy it.