Having gone through a bittersweet divorce with my high school sweetheart, there are many issues worked through here.
It's not an exciting subject but it is identifying of issues that can be moved through.
Misnomer- The guy is NOT a stalker. He's misguided, which he admits later, but not a stalker.
Although his friends do try to alert & warn him, he has to find out for himself & his friends move through the whole process with him. At first I thought the acting was terrible but when I thought back to my divorce time period, there isn't a lot that's wonderful going on at that time & I thought they did a good job trying to portray the UNglorious ways one can feel at this time.
But there is also hope.
I avoided going to a divorce recovery group but I'm glad I did decide to go. It was helpful althogh not the most fun thing I ever did.
This is a worthwhile movie for those in a certain place & with certain issues that need to be moved through during a divorce.
I think it could be helpful for those who are not going through a divorce themselves, to help them gain more insight into what the divorced person is going through.