London songwriter Mike (James Aubrey) picks up young female hitch-hiker Ginny (Alison Elliott) in his flashy Jensen Interceptor. As they used to say back then they are soon "at it", i.e having sex, however he did not know (or think to ask?) her age. Naturally he is shocked when he finds out that she is only 14 and that he is breaking the law by having sex with her but with emotions high between the couple they carry on regardless, When Ginny's parents find out they report it to the police. This is the penultimate movie of director Pete Walker, he specialised in making sexploitation and horror movies and I am a fan of his work. This was my first time viewing, it forms part of the 88 Films Pete Walker Sexploitation Collection Blu-ray box-set. The original artwork, with its X certificate, suggests a dark thriller and a Google search classes it as a thriller/mystery so, having read no reviews beforehand, I went into this expecting it to turn nasty, possibly violent but it doesn't. It all end up in court for the ending and I'd describe it as a drama. On the sex front there are a few mild scenes plus some brief full frontal female nudity but more of this can be found in any of the "Confessions of.." movies. The shocking thing is the plot of a 28 year old man knowingly have a sexual relationship with an underage girl, it is well executed, I couldn't help finding it very unsettling and I guess that is the whole point. At 111 minutes in length it felt overlong but Walker did tend to do this and I have mentioned it in reviews of his other films. It looks nice on restored Blu-ray and provides a wonderful look at England back in the late 1970's, the fashions, the cars etc. It also comes with language which was normal at the time but would now be condemned for being politically incorrect. Mick Jagger's younger brother Chris also appears in the cast as a rock star, busty glamour model Debbie Linden stars as Ginny's best friend Susan. She appeared in a number of British TV programmes before her tragic death at only 36. Well known radio DJ's Annie Nightingale and David Hamilton have cameos, the latter says something sexist as he lets an attractive young woman into his Rolls-Royce, but like I have already said that was seen as quite acceptable back then. Overall I found it to be a reasonably well made film, not as much sex as I expected and too long in running time, I doubt very much that, unlike Walker's horror movies, I'd watch it again though.