Preparedness, prevention and control tools

ECDC tools and resources support activities in the areas of preparedness, prevention and control of infectious diseases.

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Other tools and resources

European Test Finder

Find out where you can have a test for HIV, hepatitis or other sexually transmitted infections across Europe. With the European Test Finder, it only takes a few seconds to locate a testing site near you.

ECDC Calculator - LTBI control in European countries

The ECDC Calculator- LTBI control in European countries is an Excel tool based on a tuberculosis transmission model with the purpose to assess different screening strategies for latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI).
This tool uses data from four pilot countries to estimate annual tuberculosis incidence and to predict the costs and effect of different LTBI screening strategies over a 20-year period.

Toolkit - Application to calculate DALYs

The Burden of Communicable Disease in Europe (BCoDE) toolkit is a stand-alone software application which allows calculation of disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) for a selection of 117 communicable diseases and six healthcare-associated infections.

Pandemic preparedness

Assessment tool for influenza pandemic preparedness in European countries

The tool is used for ongoing country support visits by joint missions from ECDC, the European Commission, and WHO EURO. The tool follows the main components of the European Commission communication on pandemic influenza preparedness and response planning in the European Community, the WHO global influenza preparedness plan, the WHO checklist for influenza pandemic preparedness planning, and existing country preparedness plans.

ECDC model for national pandemic preparedness

ECDC presentational tool to visualise the multi-dimensional aspects needed to ensure adequate preparedness for a pandemic (September 2008). This tool highlights aspects that national authorities need to consider in order to move towards full preparedness across in three crucial dimensions: from plans through practise (exercises) to preparedness; from national level planning to operational planning for local and front line staff; and from health sector to multisectoral approach.

ECDC Pandemic Preparedness Self Assessment Indicators

This is part of the pandemic preparedness assessment tool for Europe, developed by the Unit for Preparedness and Response at the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) in Stockholm, in collaboration with the European Commission and the World Health Organisation Regional Office for Europe.